
Everything DiSC® Workshop

For almost four decades, thousands of organizations have recognized the power of a DiSC® experience. And every year, Everything DiSC® pushes to make that experience even more potent and more valuable.

Everything DiSC enables people to have safe and comfortable conversations about sensitive topics. Discussions about personal habits, quirks, and even weaknesses using non-judgmental language help to dissolve the filters and silos that stifle honest, supportive conversation at work.

Value-added features like Everything DiSC Comparison Reports and MyEverythingDiSC are designed to take these conversations to a new level. The personal continua are a fun, engaging, and nonthreatening way to talk about the differences that are common sources of frustration and misunderstanding in the workplace.

Contact Abby Todd to schedule a DiSC workshop for your business. Call her at 518.292.6567 or email Atodd@MahoneyPerformanceInstitute.com.

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