Making Leading Easier

Establish clarity and consistency, for you and your team,
using a system that makes it clear what to do and how to do it.

Take the first step to becoming a confident leader. Enroll in this program and build your leadership system.

Are you suddenly responsible for a team of people?

“What do I do now?”

Even if you have been team leader for a while, you probably are struggling with the  changes required. You need to make sure your team is doing the right things in a coordinated fashion. What you do has to change from “doing my work really well” to “ensuring the team is doing the right work really well.”

“Everyone is asking me for advice and to make decisions.”

Everyone is turning to you to set direction and to help them deal with the uncertainties and make decisions … all while you are uncertain yourself. You are now the lightning rod of your team, the person that everyone turns to for guidance, decisions and help. You need to be ready.

“How will I know what’s right?”

Experience and success in leading teams is what you need in order to build your confidence and gain the confidence of your team. Leaders who have been there and figured it out inspire their team members and raise their collective performance. The fastest way to get there and become a good team leader yourself is to learn from others who have been successful and understand how to share their experiences with others.

Hello, I am Shaun Mahoney.

Almost twenty years ago, I became the CEO of a company that needed to be turned around quickly. I had to cut back and then transform the organization, and a critical element of our success was the leadership provided by our team. Initially, I focused on the Executive Team to get us all speaking the same language. But I realized more of our success would be tied to our ability to quickly develop our first-level managers. This group directly influenced the majority of our employees and customers.

The first year, I was stuck making all the decisions and trying to solve all the problems. I realized that would not scale as we started growing again. The event that triggered a change for me was when my wife said, “We need to go on a vacation. We have not been away in over 2 years.” She was right and I had not been preparing the new leaders in our turned-around company to make the shift from doing to leading. They felt uncertain and were unsure how to be leaders.

I realized that we had to become a learning organization and that I needed to train my first-level managers how to shift focus from doing contributor tasks to inspiring and influencing others to do their work. To create an optimal educational experience for my team, I enlisted several Executives to be part of a couple of focus groups to pinpoint just what a team leader needs to know and be able to do. Out of these focus groups, I packaged the Team Leadership training course for my team and mostly that’s the same program that I offer you today.

Our turnaround was successful and I have shared this program with hundreds of first-level leaders and managers since then. In this program, I will share my experiences, practices and tools that enable team leaders to maximize the performance of their teams. I hope you join us.


Managing other people is hard!

When you become the leader of a team of people, you have to make a change … from doing to leading. Your company has new expectations of you, your team has new expectations of you and you have to figure it out and deliver for both of them (and for yourself). You have seen how others manage and lead; now it’s your moment … to shine. First, you have so many questions:

You can learn from others who have already been through the transition. Shorten the time and effort for you to make the shift – take advantage of their experiences, both breaking through to insights and adjusting when making mistakes. You don’t have to piece it all together on your own by asking all the good managers you know or have known.

Learn what it takes to make leading easier … build your own leadership system that puts you confidently in control and that helps your team achieve its milestones well and on time (be successful together).


Make Leading Easier

A program that brings together 4 online learning modules .

Learn how to confidently lead and manage your team … and succeed together.
Read books, watch videos, download and use worksheets and checklists. 
Ask and answer questions in a discussion forum.



Worksheets & Checklists


Module 1: Leading your team … inspiring others

You are now responsible for the work of others. This is not the same as doing great work as an individual contributor on a team. Now, you need to inspire and influence others to achieve team success. 

In this module, you become more self-aware as a foundation for your system and sort out what your team needs to accomplish and how to do it. This results in you being ready to inspire and influence your team, making it clear who you are, what’s important and how the team can succeed together .

You will discover how to:

  Prepare to lead … establish your foundation of values, beliefs, strengths and weaknesses and understand how to put them to use

  Clarify your mission … define the next milestone for your team based on your situation

  Develop a game plan … identify what needs to happen, who is responsible, and when to act so the team is successful reaching its milestone

  Make decisions … use the right approach based on the situation and make sure everyone understands the decision

You will receive:

  Self-awareness Worksheets to establish a clear understanding of you as a leader

  Situation Analysis Checklist for asking the right questions of your stakeholders

  Next Milestone Worksheet to define your team’s next goal that makes sense

  Decision-making Guide to ensure you use the right approach

Module 2: Managing your team … getting the right work done

You need to manage your team as well as lead them – both are important. Leading results in them being inspired and doing the work to reach the team’s next milestone. Managing results in them getting the right work done efficiently and effectively.

In this module, you learn how to get to know your team, understand what they are capable of, get the right people on your team, and provide the support they need to get their work done together. This module contributes more elements to include in your leadership system, especially tools that will make leading easier.

You will discover how to:

  Assess your team … get to know them by reviewing their past performance and analyzing their capabilities

  Build your team … establish a process to hire the right people, ensure they can do the job, and build trust to enable effective teamwork

  Support your team … collect the right metrics and other information so you can guide and enable their work

  Build a plan to manage your team … explore a variety of People planning tools

You will receive:

  Team Interviews Worksheet for getting to know your team and how they interact

  Capabilities Worksheet for assessing each team member (their role, attitude, potential)

  Hiring Checklist with actionable advice on how to hire new people for your team

  Management Plan Template for how you will manage the team using various tools

Module 3: Communicating with your team … clear messages and expectations

It is not enough to “tell them” what to do. What you say is not necessarily what they hear. Having authority over your team is not what will inspire and influence them. Effective communication is your primary tool for leading and managing others.

This module guides you through how to adapt your communication to match the varying communication styles of your team members, and how to address team situations and challenging one-on-one situations (like conflicts or performance reviews). We share checklists that will make leading others easier.

You will discover how to:

  Adjust your communication style to your audience … understand the different styles and how to adapt your communication so others understand you

  Get others to hear your ideas … focus on what they will hear (and see)

  Handle team situations and challenges … provide clarity and deal with shared concerns

  Handle one-on-one situations and challenges … handle the special situations in private

You will receive:

  Communication Styles Worksheet to understand and recognize communication styles, and how to adapt

  Effective Meetings Checklist for establishing your meeting rhythm and how to run them

  Performance Review Worksheet to guide doing performance reviews and how to give regular feedback

  Difficult Conversations Checklist for how to prepare for those challenging conversations

Module 4: Driving team execution … deliver consistent results

Your ultimate deliverable is team execution, ensuring that the team works well together and gets the expected work done well … and consistently. Having a leadership system ensures that your intent and your efforts to lead and manage your team happen even when you are not around.

This module guides you through the actions needed to get your team to commit and deliver, to be accountable getting work done. It all culminates with you creating your own leadership system. You don’t need to use everything you have learned, just the ones that resonate with you and work for you. It has to be your system. Refining your practices into a system will truly make leading easier.

You will discover how to:

  Take control of your team they are looking to you, so be ready and act to establish yourself as leader

  Motivate your team know what it takes to get them to want to do what you want

  Drive accountability with clear expectations and reinforcement to get work done

  Create your own leadership system … ensure consistency and clarity; instill confidence

You will receive:

  Take Control Checklist for understanding your situation and explaining to your team

  Motivations Worksheet to find what motivates each team member and what you will do

  Accountability Checklist for holding your team, and your supervisor, accountable

  ​Create Your Leadership System Worksheet to help you decide what to put in your leadership system

Learn while working at your own pace

Get access to all 4 modules at once.
Work through the material at you own pace.
You also have access to the program’s discussion forum.
Each module includes videos, worksheets and checklists.

Don’t Just Take Our Word for It …

See what others have said about their experience!

“Everything I observed and learned from the speakers, fellow managers, and the entire MPI staff has inspired me. I never really took the time to define what my core values were and it was nice to see that many of the topics covered aligned with my values.“

– Juan Di Diego, SKS Bottle & Packaging

“We are doing better at regularly recognizing performance, seeking feedback on our own performance and holding shorter, more productive meetings. Moreover, we understand our own strengths and weaknesses and we focus our efforts on high-value initiatives aligned with our values and beliefs.”

 – Rory Curtis, AMRI Buffalo

“The Team Leadership training course was my first experience with MPI. The books, movies, and class discussions helped to further develop my management skills and provide me with a stronger foundation to be a leader in the organization.“

 – Katie Osborn, Alpin Haus

“Thank you for a wonderful Team Leader training. I learned a lot and am re-ignited to keep working to improve my skills as a manager. Your experience and knowledge made this class very enjoyable and easy to relate to. This course was exactly the push I needed to make changes in my professional life and for that I will always be thankful and appreciative.”

– Practice Manager, Community Care Physicians

AND a Bonus for the First 30 Participants

Book Summaries

If you are among the first 30 to register for this program, you will receive a summary of relevant ideas from each of the books we reference and use in this program. This is especially helpful if you are pressed for time … not enough time to read the books right now, but want to know what gems they contain.


Our goal at MPI is that leaders who take this program are fully confident and know what to do and how to do it. We guarantee it. 

If during the first 30 days after you sign up and before you start module 2, you decide this program is not for you – for any reason – then you can get your money back. Email us at and you will get 100% of your tuition refunded .

Work at Your Own Pace

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One-time payment


(was $897)

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Fill out the form with your contact information, and our business leaders will reach out to you shortly.

Do you have questions about how to
Make Leading Easier?

  How can I get my boss to pay for this program?

We have a resource on our website that you can download and use to help you define the likely return on investment you and your organization will receive by your company paying for you to participate in this program. Look at “Convince your boss to Make Leading Easier for you”. And, if your boss likes the idea for others as well, reach out to us on our website to find out about group rates.

  What if my work schedule keeps me from going at the same pace as others in my group?

The online modules with videos and tools are available for you to access and use as long as you like. The program’s discussion forum will also continue to be open for you to interact with others. And, best of all the Q&A sessions are all recorded for you to learn about and from others in the group.

  Do I really have to read 4 books as part of this program?

There are 4 books that we provide to you and hope that you read as part of this program. All of the books may be skimmed for key ideas and lessons; you don’t need to read them cover to cover, necessarily, to get value from them. Also, each online module includes a video showing our key points to take away from its associated book.

  What if my question is not shown here?

Feel free to reach out to us at
We are eager to help you out and guide you to the right decision.

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